Sunday, January 30, 2011

Political Cartoon Satire

This is more political satire, this time its a cartoon. The cartoon shows ex prez George W. Bush sitting sad in a chair and listening to Osama sing "Jingle Bells" as he taunts the prez. This is satire because Bush tried so hard to capture Osama but never got him. And Osama kept sending taps and videos to show that he was still alive. As the cartoon shows he is so bored of not being caught he is now "taunting" the prez by singing jingle bells.

Political Satire

This video is politcal satire and focuses on the campaning of Obama and McCain. It is satire because it pokes fun at both Obamas and McCains focus points of there running for office. It talks about how McCain was in Nam and how Obama just talks about change and thats all he knows. It also shines the light on how both are dumb and really just silly. This satire doesnt really make fun of one person, it makes fun of both Obama and McCain which makes the satire and video better.

Teenage Satire

This is a great satire video showing how spoiled kids and teenagers are. Although the tone is very serious, it is a big joke showing how spoiled teenagers really are. It focuses on how some teenagers just want more things and are sad or mad if they dont have more, even though they have shelter, food and eduction which in some parts of the world kids do not have. Its great satire because some kids actually behave in this way and this video brought to light how silly and dumb those kids really are.

Christmas Satire

This is an example of satire because it focuses on the fact that people can't say Merry Christmas anymore and that the name Christmas itself is dying. People these days can't say "Merry Christmas" without facing some type of backlash. This cartoon shows this point by having A.C.L.U. rep talking to baby Jesus and saying people can celebrate your birth, but they can't say christmas. Thats not what he says exactly but thats the point of it. This satire really hits home for a lot of people because this is a reality of modern times. You cant say Merry Christmas anymore and in some situations you can't say Christmas at all. Thats a problem for a lot of people and this piece of cartoon satire shows that problem.